

Thursday, September 2, 2010

to my dearest friend~! мrS teng

don't sad becoz' of him pls..
it's useless to cry for a guy like him...
he always misunderstand euuu~!

i hope you will stay calm now~!

if a real gentlemen~
he won't  be like that..
what his gf wanna do..
he will let her do..
as long as don't 1 leg step 2 boat.. then is ok
his gf want break then just break and he will only sad..
he won't go and misunderstand his gf..
becoz' he trust her..
as long as a couple got trust each other then everything is fine..
this is called true LOVE~
love doesn't mean everything...

be a real and strong guy..
must know how to take up and put down~!!

no matter what happen to euu~
do tell us...
coz' we are still friends.. =))
i love euu teng~!
best friends forever~!!!!