

Saturday, September 25, 2010

stop insulting others.. (b***h)

If your tough enough to talk about someone behind their back,
be tough enough to talk to them to their face...!!!!

If you don't like me and my friends 
and don't even wanna think about us, 
then stop calling our names, 
because when you do, 
you think about us, 
so we win and you lose... hahaha... 

DRAMA: You say you hate it, 
so why do you create it? 
You say you don't need it, 
yet you continue to feed it!!!!!! LOL

its OK you act the all innocent, 
make people think your kind.
but i know the real you, 
just wait till others see how two-faced backstabbing lieing hypocrite u are...!!!!

loves the fact that you think i believe your lies that you tell to try and impress me, 
when i know the truth... 
cracks me up at how lame you really are.. lol

you wonder why I ignore you?  
I have self respect, dignity, manners and morals... (not like you guys)
clearly we have NOTHING in common. 

There's a lot of things in my life I have to deal with, 
and your not going to be one of them!!!!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

to my dearest friend~! мrS teng

don't sad becoz' of him pls..
it's useless to cry for a guy like him...
he always misunderstand euuu~!

i hope you will stay calm now~!

if a real gentlemen~
he won't  be like that..
what his gf wanna do..
he will let her do..
as long as don't 1 leg step 2 boat.. then is ok
his gf want break then just break and he will only sad..
he won't go and misunderstand his gf..
becoz' he trust her..
as long as a couple got trust each other then everything is fine..
this is called true LOVE~
love doesn't mean everything...

be a real and strong guy..
must know how to take up and put down~!!

no matter what happen to euu~
do tell us...
coz' we are still friends.. =))
i love euu teng~!
best friends forever~!!!!

exam's result~!

even though gt some improvement~
but it is still weak...

gt A for Eng and KH~
OMG 1st time in my life i got A for my damn KH~!
so damn happy~

but for my science~
owh~ the question all so damn f**king difficult nih~!
but nvm... hahaha... get C for it~ =(((
need to study hard now onward~!!!

my math a.. ish ish..
no need see la.. sure very teruk geh~!
get C for it!!! omgosh!!!!

disappointed vf my dearest BM~
get B for it~  ish ish~!

sejarah and geo..  gt some improvement ady~!!

this time..
i really hope i will study hard and get straight A's for my PMR~!!!
left one month!!!!!
"add oil" to all my dearest friends and for those who taking PMR this year~!
pika pika~** GAMBATEH~!!!!