

Monday, August 9, 2010

horrible story bout love~

Love is a grand, upper mammilian
fabrication of bullshit. It is
something we as a species have
made up. It is an illusion, it is a
game. Well guess what, I see
through it, it's all smoke and
mirrors. Love is nothing...!!!

I hate love cus if u love with
someone else and u want them
more then other peoples and if u
by mistake to say something
tothem which is not a big thing
and then theywill say to u that u
BLA BLA BLA....so,,,,then what u
will be feel??? they will never talk
with u again and left.So, love is
90% kill u and 10 % u can pass
it ....if u r lucky.

im just tired of feeling like my
heart is gonna burt outta my
chest or im gonna cry or
something and and the changes it
makes to my person disgust me
and i dont wanna ever fall in love
again. Falling is dangerous.
Falling can only hurt you.
Love sucks, when the pieces seem
to fit
When you take a swing and miss
With nothing left to savor
Love sucks, when the hands you
hoped to hold
Throw you out in the cold
Luv sucks!2dy ws jst bt a
Mess.confusd.undecided n sad is
wat i am.hw do u choose 4rm 2
vry precious dins.dins uv grown
fond of.2 vry nice dins.y did it hv
2 hapen nw wen evrydin ws grat
n so satisfactory.it ws ok,a life ful
of joy n hapines.i hd 4goten ma
sorows complitely.my lif ws getin
bak on trak.thot i hd opnd ma...
eyes wide enuf.N Closin dem
again means makin a ful of
maself.Am nt evn goin dea again.i
LUV evrydin new in ma presnt life
n i hate ma past.

. Love is a myth nobody fukn
cares who r wat u luv .....funny
thing is love is just for those who
waste ur time an no matter how
much u show dem dey end up
screwing u over.....so I decided to
laught at Cupid face and get his
arrow n shove it up hi ass and
pull his wings apart and make
sure he eats dem ....but den again
h...e doesn't existeces he is just a
storie just like the word LOVE

Forgive the tears, they are only
bits of
selfishness that could be
contained no longer. I only wish
to keep you
a little longer. Within the
boundaries of my immediate life.
Thank you
for touching my life.And letting
me know you....

I hate these tears in my eyes
I hate myself for the way i feel
about you every time
I’ve had enough I’m sick of
wishing he was around me every
day, every night
its way too much
...I hate love
I hate love
I hate love

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