

Saturday, December 25, 2010

~Christmas is Over !! ~

Christmas is over...
The New Year's almost here.
The tree lights are darkened...
I sure do miss you, dear.

The stockings are empty,
And so's my aching heart;
Yet, I need to tell you
Before the New Year's start.

I'll always love you.
You're always in my prayer.
If ever you need me,
My thoughts will be right there.

Although there is distance
Between us, I can smile;
Because I can hold you
In my heart, for just awhile.

I realize God gave me
This gift... I know it's true.
The gift that He gave me
Is all my love for you.

I don't know the reason
God gives and takes away.
I just know, this season
I turn to Him and pray.

"Bless all my loved ones...
The ones for whom I care.
Keep them in safety,
Until I can be there."

I know that God loves me,
And, so, He loves you too.
And, so, in His season,
I send my faith to you.

"Many of us, between the start of this holy season, and the end, find ourselves filled with sadness, missing the ones who cannot be with us. We all have our list of bittersweet memories, and the hardest day is the day after all the festivities, when we realize how much we missed the missing. To him, I dedicate this poem."

Saturday, December 18, 2010

☆ ♥It's Nearly Christmas☆ ♥

I write this in September
And I can already see my breath
Because the temperature is falling
To fifty degrees or less;
There are frosted mornings
And skies are turning gray;
Next thing, there'll be snowdrifts
Fit for a sleigh.

In stores, they're gearing for Halloween
With pumpkins on display;
After October 31, we'll count the days
To shop til Kris Kringle Day;
Just when I thought the craze was over
And the presents were put away,
Alas! I hear Santa "ho-hoing",
It's nearly Christmas Day.

Christmas is a magical time,
Is there any doubt?
But I'm going to need a psychotherapist
To get my anxeties out!
The sugarplums might be dancing,
But they're messing up my mind;
The silver bells aren't doing much
To help me unwind.

September comes and October goes,
November is just a glance;
Once again, there'll be invitations
To another holiday dance;
I'll decorate the Christmas tree
With icicles, stars, and lights,
But I'll need a ton of eggnog
To get me through this night!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

ღ♡ღ Thinking of you II ღ♡ღ

I thought of you today but that’s nothing new
I thought about you yesterday and the day before that too 
for every day good or bad you'll always be in my head
I hope you've understood everything I’ve said 
this isn't just a joke or a silly lie 

I’d never do anything to make you wanna cry 
I’m sorry if I do something to make you really mad 
it only comes back and makes me really sad 

I really do love you and everything you are 
I hope this relationship gets really far 
I’ll never get you out I simply don't know how 
in fact I’m thinking of you right about now 

you’re everything I need and everything to me 
you know exactly who you are and what you want to be
you always make me smile just by being there 
I hope you know how much I really do care

every time I think of you my stomach seems to twist 
This is why I love you, I’ve made a huge list 
the list goes on forever and never will it end 
neither will our relationship you'll always be my friend 
not just a simple friend but a special friend at that
I want to spend my whole life with you

Sunday, December 5, 2010

ღ♡ღ Friends Eternal ღ♡ღ

You're a true friend,
that I want you to know,
Our love for each other
has helped us to grow.
We've been through some tough times,
but we've made it through,
The only one I ever trusted was you.

You helped me through anger,
you've chased away fears.
You held me through sadness,
and kissed away tears

You stayed by my side
when the world turned away.
You helped me see joy
when the skies were all gray.

You were the rainbow
at the end of the storm.
You help me be different
when I shouldn't conform.

You held my hand
when you knew we would fall.
Every heartache,
you saw me through it all.

I'm not sure
I'm always the best friend to you,
I know I'm not perfect,
but this much is true.

When life gets you down,
And there's nowhere to turn,
I'll help you through and
I'll share your concern.

I'll try my best to return every favor,
When you're sure that you'll drown,
then I'll be your lifesaver;
Even if we both go down.

Whether we sink or swim
doesn't matter at all,
Just know that I'll be there
whenever you call.

I'll pull you out
when life pulls you under.
I'll be the sun
when there's lightning and thunder.

And when it's all over,
And we've fought every war,
There's one thing I promise,
Of this I am sure,
When the time comes
that we're put to our rest.
Be sure that you know that,
My friend, you're the best.

And if there is Heaven,
then I know you'll be there,
That if you die first
then you'll hear every prayer.
And soon I'll join you,
but just know until then.
That I'll miss you each day
'til I see you again.
At the end of the tunnel,
you'll be my guiding light,
You'll lead me to heaven,
away from the night.

We'll be there together,
and we'll never grow old.
And we'll walk hand in hand
On the streets paved of gold.